Wednesday, May 13, 2015

2 Effective Ways Of Writing An Eye Catching Advert


2 Effective Ways Of Writing An Eye Catching Advert

You can call it the definitive guide to writing an Ad!
We know how effective these Television Ads can be, some make you change the channel in anger, some make you marvel at the creative minds that created such a wonderful advert. It is the same for written adverts too, when we see them in newspapers and online, we gloss over some and go over some again and again.
Advertising is more than beautiful pictures or flowery words, the aim is to sell. Advertisements have the benefit of reaching a large number of people than a one on one sale would do.
So, how eye catching should your ads be? Very!
Below are three (2) tips to writing an eye catching advert:
(1) Focus on your target: Most people make the mistake of thinking that if they write an advert or do an advert that will speak to everyone. Wrong! Your advert should be written as if they are speaking to just one person. Consumers like to feel special and would respond more if they thought an advert addressed them directly. You’ve seen that trick a million times especially in pictures too.
Look at those church billboard or poster, you’d think the pastor was looking directly at you. That direct gaze has more of an appeal or transparency than the faraway look. That is exactly what your written-advert-addressed-as-if-to-one-person would do.
(2) Press their emotional buttons by telling them what they stand to benefit: Most purchases are made through emotions. When you effectively connect with people’s emotions in writing an advert, you have effectively made a sale.
For example;
Do you want to make extra income? Click
Tired of having to work all year without nothing to show for it? (EMOTION 1) 
Let me/us work for you (BENEFIT 1) while you make more money by the side without stress. (BENEFIT 2) Go to and let’s help you. (EMOTION 2)
So always write creative ads that appeal to your prospects emotion. That way it reduces their buying resistant. Remember people don’t like to be sold but they like to buy.
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