How to Write Unique Content as a Freelancer And Make Money From Clients Nationwide.
As you’re reading this post, I’m sure it’s because you’re a freelance writer. And you’re researching how you can write for your clients to make them always come back for your service. And maybe you’re a good writer but you don’t know how to make money from your writing skills, then you can join Freelancing base.
As a successful freelance writer I’ll share some tips here that will help you improve your writing skills. There are several software available to make your services as a Freelancer easy, but none of it can take the place of your inherent ability to write.
Unique Writing Tips
Use article directory sites: like,,,,, and to find articles on the topic needed by your client. If you use these directories, you’ll get good chances of finding articles that you need.
Understand the topic you’re to write on: After you’re done writing the article, you need to read and understand the message the article is giving and check whether the article covers the areas your client requested for.
Make sure you don’t copy-cat: As you research the topic, don’t just copy exactly what you find in the article directory site. For example, “Today dоzеnѕ of stingrays соntіnuе to visit this two web ѕіtеѕ” You can rewrite it to be`` Today over 12 stingrays соntіnuе visiting both ѕіtеѕ” From the example above, you’ll notice I just changed dozen to 12, which still means the same thing. You’ll also notice that though I didn’t change the words “stingrays continue” I made sure that I used another word before and after the two words. When you apply these changes to any article, it becomes unique and original.
If you follow all these tips, you’ll always satisfy your clients.